Giuliano Pisani

Giuliano Pisani (Verona, 1950) is a classical philologist, scholar of ancient Greek and Latin literature. Graduated in ancient Greek history at Padua University with Prof. Franco Sartori, is full professor of Greek and Latin literature at Liceo Tito Livio in Padua.

His scholar interests range in different fields, but are mainly centred on philosophy, considered like an action and wisdom's guide. Thus his translations and his studies regarding Platon and Plutarch (in particular Moralia, the ethic writings about the soul care, about education and policy - with this work he had a lot of prestigious acknowledgments) and about Marsilio Ficino.

He has also given a revolutionary interpretation to the Scrovegni Chapel of Giotto.

In 1990 he won Monselice award - Leone Traverso for his Greek translation. In 1999 he won Marcello d'Olivo award - Lignano City - V ed. (letter section). In 2000 he won Francesco Petrarca award of the Euganea Academy of Science, Literature and Arts.

For his cultural merits he is a member of the Société Européenne de Culture (since 1991) and an associate of Lorenzo Valla foundation since 1996.

From 1983 to 1988 has been secretary and from '88 till now is the President of the Classic Culture Italian Association, Padua's Delegation.

Active cultural promoter, in 1994 he created Campiello Giovani award.

In 2001 he created with Virginia Baradel Gemine Muse European format.

From several years he works to the realisation in Padua of the Giardino dei Giusti del Mondo (Garden of the Righteous of the World), opened on 5 October 2008, which honours with a plant all the people who made a stand against the genocide of the last century, all over the world.


Plutarch' studies

• Edition, with Greek text, Italian translation, introduction and notes of Moralia

Moralia I - «La serenità interiore» e altri testi sulla terapia dell'anima, La Biblioteca dell'Immagine, Pordenone 1989, pp. LIX-508 1989, pp. LIX-508 (De tranquillitate animi; De virtute et vitio; De virtute morali; An virtus doceri possit; Quomodo quis suos in virtute sentiat profectus; Animine an corporis affectiones sint peiores; De vitioso pudore; De cohibenda ira; De garrulitate; De curiositate ; De invidia et odio ; De cupiditate divitiarum)

Moralia II - L'educazione dei ragazzi, La Biblioteca dell'Immagine, Pordenone, 1990, pp. XXXVIII-451 (De liberis educandis; Quomodo adolescens poetas audire debeat ; De recta ratione audiendi ; De musica, in collaboration with Leo Citelli)

Moralia III - Etica e politica, La Biblioteca dell'Immagine, Pordenone 1992, pp. XLIII-490 (Praecepta gerendae rei publicae; An seni sit gerenda res publica; De capienda ex inimicis utilitate; De se ipsum citra invidiam laudando; Maxime cum principibus philosopho esse disserendum; Ad principem ineruditum; De unius in republica dominatione, populari statu et paucorum imperio; De exilio)

• Plutarco, Vite di Lisandro e Silla, Fondazione Lorenzo Valla, 1997 (in collaboration with Maria Gabriella Angeli Bertinelli, Mario Manfredini, Luigi Piccirilli)

• For the Mondadori Oscar he published the following texts:

Consigli politici, 1994, pp. V-XL, 1-148 • La serenità interiore, 1995, pp. 1–95 • L'arte di ascoltare, 1995, pp. 1–90 • Come educare i figli, 1996, pp. 1–127. • Come trarre vantaggio dai nemici, 1996, pp. 1–89

Scrovegni Chapel' studies

L’ispirazione filosofico-teologica nella sequenza Vizi-Virtù della Cappella degli Scrovegni, «Bollettino del Museo Civico di Padova», XCIII, 2004, Milano 2005, pp. 61–97.[1]

Terapia umana e divina nella Cappella degli Scrovegni, «Il Governo delle cose», dir. Franco Cardini, Firenze, n. 51, anno VI, 2006, pp. 97–106.

L’iconologia di Cristo Giudice nella Cappella degli Scrovegni di Giotto, «Bollettino del Museo Civico di Padova», XCV, 2006, pp. 45–65.[2][3]

Le allegorie della sovrapporta laterale d’accesso alla Cappella degli Scrovegni di Giotto, «Bollettino del Museo Civico di Padova», XCV, 2006, pp. 67–77.[4]

Il miracolo della Cappella degli Scrovegni di Giotto, in ModernitasFestival della modernità (Milano 22-25 giugno 2006), Spirali, Milano 2006, pp. 329–57.

Una nuova interpretazione del ciclo giottesco agli Scrovegni, «Padova e il suo territorio», XXII, 125, 2007, pp. 4–8.

I volti segreti di Giotto. Le rivelazioni della Cappella degli Scrovegni, Rizzoli, Milano 2008.[1]

Il programma della Cappella degli Scrovegni, in Giotto e il Trecento, a cura di A. Tomei, Skira, Milano 2009, I – I saggi, pp. 113–127.

La Desperatio, ultimo vizio nella Cappella degli Scrovegni di Giotto, in Disperazione. Saggi sulla condizione umana tra filosofia, scienza e arte, a cura di G. F. Frigo, Mimesis, Milano 2010, pp. 209-232.

I volti segreti di Giotto (The secret sides of Giotto)

“A wonderful intellectual trip in the middle of Giotto's inspiration and in the amazing world of the Italian 14th century” (Antonia Arslan)

A surprising journey into the symbolic universe of the painter who revolutionized the concept of space. The 14th century in Italy begins with the birth of two masterpieces: the first part of the Divine Comedy and the cycle of frescoes of the Scrovegni Chapel (1303–1305), both marking the end of the Middle Ages and the start of a new era. There are works that never stop challenging the intellect of men. Works that are never forgotten with the passage of time. In this richly illustrated book, Giuliano Pisani takes us into the heart of one of the great masterpieces of Western art, the detailed labyrinth of Giotto’s symbol-laden frescoes in the Scrovegni Chapel. This is a fullyfledged trip through time, to discover the missing pieces of a mosaic that today we can read in another way, deciphering the true meaning of the allegories, and getting past the common interpretations of many centuries. In these frescoes Giotto shows the salvation of man, a very complex project, from the mind of a mysterious theologian who preferred to work in the shadows and whose identity, after many clues, will be revealed here. The ancient common places fall down and have been identified, in a fundamental point of the cycle, the Judge Crhist's iridate almond, new figures: a centauro, a bear, a pike, take the place of the still now evangelists presumed simbols. This book is very interesting for those who wish to find in the artistic masterpieces of the past the key to understanding the great questions of all time; or the many readers who have appreciated and continue to appreciate works that combine clear revelation and interesting mysteries.

Other studies

• First modern edition of Marsilio Ficino, De vita libri tres, in collaboration with Albano Biondi, Biblioteca dell'Immagine, Pordenone 1991, pp. XXXV-501.

• Platone, Repubblica (antologia), in collaboration with Franco Sartori, Biblioteca Filosofica Laterza, Laterza, Bari 1995, pp. 1–301


  1. ^ Rosano, Alessandro (December 10, 2008). ""I volti segreti di Giotto" di Giuliano Pisani". Non Solo Cinema. Retrieved 11 August 2011.